Sunday, 14 September 2014

Disaster smoothie with great results.

Still full from a big lunch out today, I decided to just make a smoothie for dinner. I make smoothies everyday, but decided to make my first vegetable smoothie for tea.

It tasted LIKE DEATH. But I felt so different afterward. 

I have had particularly bad brain fog (unable to concentrate, think of the words you want, mental confusion) for the past four days, so the sudden mental clarity and alertness was very noticeable! I wanted to pause the flat movie night and ask the girls if this is how normal people (healthier folk) feel all the time. I know that there is a whole realm of information about the health benefits of vegetable smoothies and juices, and now I am determined to try a combination of ingredients that are actually tolerable!

Tonight's smoothie contained three raw garlic cloves (have been reading of this amazing natural antibiotic) parsley, coriander, a carrot, fresh ginger, lemon and zest, grapefruit and zest, quarter of a cucumber and about half a cup of water. Needs some green apple, beet or more carrot to conceal the garlic better. Easily done.

So obviously super fueled with antioxidants, it was bitter and spicy. I'll be working on a sweeter (or at least more palatable) recipe to share- but just wanted to share of the effects felt! If you have CFS or feel like you're just always exhausted, you can imagine how exciting it was to have a sharper mind and noticeable increase in mental energy . Hopefully this will make kicking the coffee habit easier (more on this reluctant move soon).

Do you make vege smoothies or juices? And do you notice the benefits? xx

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